Antonio Pena

My name is Antonio Peña and I am a certified personal trainer and coach. I was raised in Ft. Morgan, CO, started hitting the gym and lifting weights with my dad during my teen years, and later Studied at National Personal Training Institute. I am a Physique/Bodybuilder Competitor, and have competed and placed in the NPC Rocky Mountain, NPC Warrior Classic, and the NPC Colorado State. I love helping others to achieve their fitness goals, watching that transformation both physical and mentally that I get to see in my clients when I push them to their limits. Whether you would like to train for a competition, tone up those muscles, or just get back in the gym and lose some weight and/or change your lifestyle to live a healthier/happier life, I would love to help you in your journey.
I was always the smallest kid in my class growing up, but my parents instilled in me to never give up, life is not always fair, so make it enough, as no one is going to give you anything. So I love challenging myself & my body to do what others say I can’t. Physical Fitness and personal training helped me become more confident about myself, has taught me discipline, and motivates me daily to strive to achieve my goals and I would love to help you do the same!