Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy

By appointment only
Vicky Gettman – 970.324.6356
Come in for a special treat with our massage therapy. Treat your body, mind, and soul to the much deserved relaxation you have been craving. We offer a comfortable, relaxed, customized massage that is sure to leave you feeling like new.
Refresh and renew your body. After all the hard work has been put in at the gym, you deserve to have us take care of you to put your muscles at ease. Our passion and dedication to our clients mean that we truly care. Heal, relax, and revitalize your body to give you the energy you will need to keep succeeding in the gym.
Health is not just about all the time spent in the gym. You need to take a break and let your body take a break and heal. Massage therapy is just the way to do it.
Massage therapy is the answer you have been looking for. Ease pain, rehabilitate injuries, reduce the stress you carry, increase general wellness, and decrease anxiety. No matter why you are seeking massage therapy, we believe that by coming in to see us, you will leave feeling refreshed and like new.
Various techniques and styles allow our clients to have their target areas massaged and treated. Whether you have a back injury, torn muscles, or just want to relax, we can do that for you. Contact us today for a list of all treatments and options we offer. Our professional technicians strive to provide you a service that does not disappoint. We care about you and what it is you need. Call us today.
Want to try us out?
At Work Out West, we offer a free consultation so you can experience all that our gym has to offer. With our wide range of services, including personal training, group classes, and more, you can find the perfect workout for you.